“Of Friction” by S.J. Lee

“Of Friction” by S.J. Lee is set in a world that humans have destroyed.  Ironically, science is humanity’s last hope to create a more adaptable and evolved race to survive in the remaining conditions of Earth.  The necessary creation of these altered humans brings with them extraordinary survival abilities, adaptable resilience, and a more advanced line of genetically altered humans. However, despite this new race being engineered as a means to survive what remains of Earth, the original hominids and these Altered clash as they each seek to maintain power.   … More “Of Friction” by S.J. Lee

“Finding Danyaal” by Zia Ahmad

Rami, a Muslim boy growing up in Pakistan in the 1980s, knows there is something that makes him different from other boys. He likes singing, dancing, and other things his brother and the bullies at school use to pick on him. But it isn’t until he meets Danyaal, a Christian, that he realizes what it is that sets him apart. The two embark on a deep friendship that brings them closer and closer until it draws the attention of people who are in a position to hurt them. A single night of passion turns into a day of terror and despair, and Rami thinks he has lost Danyaal forever. … More “Finding Danyaal” by Zia Ahmad

“Till Death Do You Part” by Marisa Billions

They have an idyllic marriage—the envy of all their friends. But lately, Sage Foster-Reed’s happiness has been wavering. Maybe the lack of intimacy or Jules’ blatant rejection made her feel frustrated and unloved. Perhaps it was simply a rough patch that the women could work through by taking some time to reconnect. … More “Till Death Do You Part” by Marisa Billions

“The Elusiveness of Equality” by Alexandra McGroarty

The Elusiveness of Equality Alexandra McGroartyAtmosphere Press (2024)ISBN: 979-8891322097Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (02/2024) “The Elusiveness of Equality” by diversity specialist Alexandra McGroarty is an important, enlightening study on gender equality and the issues surrounding it.  Equity and inclusion are at the forefront of this book, especially shining a light on equity in … More “The Elusiveness of Equality” by Alexandra McGroarty

“Until September” by Harker Jones

The summer started like all the summers before—Kyle Ryan Quinn and his island friends Trent, Claudia, Dana, and Carly—hanging out, soaking up the sun on the beach, and divulging their juiciest secrets. But the moment Jack Averill appeared on the island, it changed everything. A deep longing that he couldn’t quite articulate stirred within Kyle. He needed to get close to Jack and explore the feelings making his body buzz with desire. As the boys form an endearing, albeit complicated, relationship, it causes friction between the island friends. Trent becomes resentful of Kyle’s new friendship, and Claudia seems intent on making Jack feel unwelcome. Moreover, Trey, Kyle’s crush from the previous summer, wants to pick up where they left off. … More “Until September” by Harker Jones

“Apogee” by A.K. Wetzel

As “Apogee” begins, the queen has been missing for one hundred years. The members of the queen’s court, The Court of the Raven, have to find a way to unite the magic powers in order to stop the rebellion that has been forming in the land for years. It will be their job to defeat the army and stop the war. This is the story of Alexa, an orphan, and one of the most powerful magic holders in the land. She is a part of the queen’s court and finds herself very quickly on the frontlines of a horrible war due to her abilities. As Alexa attempts to prepare herself magically, emotionally, and physically for what is coming, she also finds herself falling in love and coming out as this journey of self-discovery progresses. Throughout all of it the reader is treated to a wonderful romance, powerful magic, mystical creatures, and treachery they never expected. … More “Apogee” by A.K. Wetzel

“Paradise Cove” by Gary Fitzgerald

“Paradise Cove” by Gary Fitzgerald chronicles the adventures of the Dory SCUBA Club, a group of enthusiasts who embark on diving vacations. Led by Terry, the leader of a gay SCUBA diving club, the members, including Theo, Dave, Hanna, Emma, Ed, Robert, Steve, Joe, Rhonda, Toby, and Jerri, seek new travel experiences. When scouting for destinations, Terry encounters Naledi who suggests Paradise Cove in West Augustina as a potential visit. … More “Paradise Cove” by Gary Fitzgerald

“All That Was Rejected” by David Colin

“All That Was Rejected” is a profound introspective work of literary fiction by David Colin following the stories of two young men, Adamo and Simm. On similar but parallel life journeys, each navigates a continual barrage of personal and societal struggles. Both men are acutely familiar with the desperation and loneliness of being all but isolated from humanity—sometimes by choice, other times by the audacious judgment of others. … More “All That Was Rejected” by David Colin

“Rider’s Blood, Moonlit Black” by Myka Silber

“Rider’s Blood, Moonlit Black” by Myka Silber is a dark, dynamic Western fantasy you don’t want to miss. Gunslinger Henry is as good with horses as he is with a gun, but he also carries a dangerous secret that could end him. He thought the secret was buried until his new job with the Cap’n’s crew came up, which was taking Magi Rosalita to the capital. Henry senses something is wrong about this assignment. For example, she’s a royal, is too curious for his tastes, and she travels by herself. The biggest red flag is Red Canyon, a location she wants to veer off to, but it’s a place known to take men’s lives. This canyon holds dangers and illuminates the true motives of Henry and his party. Inside the canyon, horror awaits, and the question remains, who will survive? Their pact vows loyalty to one another, so they don’t intend to leave anyone behind, but how does it play out in the end?  … More “Rider’s Blood, Moonlit Black” by Myka Silber