MEET THE AUTHOR:  A Conversation with Jo McCarty – author of “Call Me Adam”

Jo McCarty is a first-time novelist from Michigan. McCarty shares her time between vibrant city life and rural lake living, inspired by the people and landscapes to write about both. Call Me Adam is her debut novel, though she has successfully written Children’s and YA fiction under another name. McCarty is at work on another novel. … More MEET THE AUTHOR:  A Conversation with Jo McCarty – author of “Call Me Adam”

“Call Me Adam” by Jo McCarty

The world of Jo McCarty’s refreshingly original futuristic novel “Call Me Adam” introduces us to Louie, an out-of-work mechanic who has a deep compulsion to end his life.  He’s considered a loser by the residents of his rural Michigan town. Meanwhile, the world is reeling from the aftermath of the COVID-19 disaster, which has destroyed the fragile fabric of modern life with everyone looking for ways to survive. At the brink of another disaster that is believed to be nearly as fatal as the pandemic, Louie makes a harsh but startling discovery. He can’t die; an ability he considers to be cruel and unfair given his desire to end his life. … More “Call Me Adam” by Jo McCarty