“Blue California Sky” by B.L. Bruce

It is striking how universal grief is and how many layers of it Bri Bruce weaves into this short collection of poems called “Blue California Sky.” Chapbooks usually have a central theme and tackling such a large one as Bruce does, and pulling it off in so few pages, is no small feat. And in such short poems. Not quite haiku short but they carry a heavy load in a small amount of space on the page. … More “Blue California Sky” by B.L. Bruce

“The Calamity of Desire and Other Stories” by Judith Dancoff

The eight stories in “The Calamity of Desire and Other Stories” are all inspired by or based on works of art. The author, Judith Dancoff, uses paintings or, for one story Roman glass, as jumping-off points. In each piece, she explores the mysteries behind the paintings or perhaps the unknown life of a model. The stories are rich in detail and are immersed in different time periods, covering topics as diverse as romance, empowerment, and wonder at the strangeness and beauty of the world. Dancoff has a powerful narrative voice, yet she easily adjusts it to meet the needs of each story and reflects the tone of the periods. … More “The Calamity of Desire and Other Stories” by Judith Dancoff

“Galapagos” by John Delaney & Andrew Delaney

Galapagos John Delaney (Poems)/Andrew Delaney (Photography)Published by Finishing Line PressISBN: 979-8888383612Reviewed by Robert Leon Davis for Reader Views (03/2024) “Galapagos,” written by author John Delaney and illustrated by photographer Andrew Delaney, is a short work showcasing the fantastic visual world of the famous and unique Galapagos Islands. The authors (father and son) not only had … More “Galapagos” by John Delaney & Andrew Delaney

“Rooted and Winged” by Luanne Castle

I’ve found myself drawn to poetry as of late. An often-neglected form of art by mainstream readers, however mistaken that view. Poetry and its essence, importance, and meaning are all held within the eye of the beholder, the reader. Poetry offers readers an escape, it offers the ability to spin its meaning, the meaning of the words, to whatever the reader may need at that particular point in time. Regardless, each collection of poems, each book, always has an unmistakable underlying theme. In the case of “Rooted and Winged” by Luanne Castle, the underlying theme is rooted in nature, in earth, and in one’s dreams.  … More “Rooted and Winged” by Luanne Castle