“Root, Rise, Roar” by Dawn King

Root, Rise, Roar

Dawn King
Muse Literary (2023)
ISBN: 978-1958714539
Reviewed by Lily Andrews for Reader Views (05/2023)

“Root, Rise, Roar: Transforming Trauma into Your Brave and Beautiful Life” unveils author Dawn King’s life episodes. She has risen from tolerating a fragile upbringing that saw her master self-protection strategies as a result of negligent parenting to becoming a renowned writer and inspirational figure for thousands of emotionally anguished victims, therapists, and coaches, as well as trauma-informed professionals.

Dawn’s parenting had been largely challenged by a stubborn state of affairs in the family where her mother was fast submerging into inebriation while her father kept himself busy with other women. The author strongly felt that they trailed behind as far as emotional development and preparedness for marriage were concerned. Readers will find Dawn very straightforward in telling how her parents’ wounds and distress affected the family as well as the soundness of their minds and decision-making.

A deep look into the author’s personal narrative will precisely reveal to parents how their notions, convictions, and activities can positively or negatively impact young children. Dawn’s wit in having themes of unexpressed anger, misery, and contrition stay conspicuous is a brilliant effort that will see readers exposed to the consequences of wayward lifestyles that see many engage in futile activities that advance emotional distress.

Victims of child abuse and wobbly upbringing will find this resource befitting for personal transformation and mental development away from arduous memories and experiences of adversity and loss. Parents will also enjoy the read due to its significant lessons such as the importance of putting a great deal of care and thought into establishing the best possible environment for their children.

As Dawn King has convincingly asserted, the world has continued to advocate for methods that see people bypass emotional pain but on the contrary produced delusional and highly anxious persons who have no voice and who remain totally dishonest with their challenges. The author’s candid confessions seek to undo these aberrations by bringing such people to self-awareness and personal acceptance in a bid to transform any parts of their pain and trauma into springs of beauty and bravery. 

“Root, Rise, Roar: Transforming Trauma into Your Brave and Beautiful Life” rises beyond average ranking due to its unique conversational tone and revolutionary content. It is indubitably a five-star read that will see parents’ mindsets remolded and the destinies of thousands of emotionally challenged persons freed and on the comeback trail.

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