“The Amazon Author Formula” by Penny C. Sansevieri

The Amazon Author Formula

Penny C. Sansevieri
Independently Published (2024)
ISBN:  979-8874429799
Reviewed by Sara Lancaster for Reader Views (04/2024)

Penny Sansevieri, author of “The Amazon Author Formula: Insider Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Selling More Books!” is well known in the book marketing and book launching ‘verse, and with good reason. She’s the CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts Inc., as well as an Adjunct Professor at NYU, she’s also a best-selling author and an internationally recognized book publicist. Her company is one of the leaders in the publishing industry and has been around for as long as I can remember.

So, as far as I’m concerned, she’s got the creds, and she’s a voice I respect. 

Therefore, as a self-published author of many years, I dove into this mammoth guide with eagerness. What did Penny Sansevieri have for me?

The excitement started to brew in me, pretty much immediately. Not only does she explain basic terms authors come up against and use daily in new, fresh language, but she also explains why the items are important, and does so quickly and clearly. One example that resonated with me early on was her explanation of book categories in Amazon. I know what they are, of course. However, her specific examples and definitions punctuate the critical importance of getting them right, from the outset.

Additionally, something as simple as keyword strings has now taken on a new life for me. While she teaches marketers all of the many pieces of selling on Amazon—much of this will apply to all products, not only books—at the same time, she also highlights tips and tricks to actually be effective.

It was interesting to me to see that these essential tips are not well-known. For instance, I learned that the best way to search for popular keyword strings on Amazon is to use an incognito browser. Why? Because if Amazon knows it’s you, they’ll change the results based on what you’ve personally searched for before. Simple, but if you don’t do it right, the data you dig up will be wrong.  It’s another example where ‘complete’ knowledge is critical, and Ms. Sansevieri provides that.

I’ve paid thousands of dollars for top-rate courses by self-published authors and marketers I respect. While they covered this same information on keyword strings and searching through an Amazon browser for them, and did so well in my opinion, none of them taught me that make-or-break piece of information.

Two main pillars regarding the content of this book stand out for me.

First, the comprehensive nature of its information. There is so much in this volume. This guide covers everything from A to Z about selling on Amazon and highlights the essential categories for success. This distills to:

Your Amazon search ranking, your Amazon sales page (aka your book page, or for general marketers, your product page), successful book launches, the basics of Amazon ads (including effective copywriting), with bonus strategies, and additional information on Author Central as well.

Second, it’s designed to convey information clearly, quickly, and succinctly.  The typeface and physical formatting of the text have lots of white space, so you don’t get lost in a sea of dense text. This makes all the important ideas—ideas and information we need to know to be successful—easily accessible, readable, and understandable. Clear. As a consumer of marketing information, I also found the Kindle book’s page formatting surprisingly ‘welcoming.’ It invites you to dive into it, with a cup of coffee in hand, and simply…discover. Play in all the potential.

It’s a big ‘ole Amazon playground manual, and it makes it fun.

In summary, Penny Sansevieri’s book “The Amazon Author Formula” is not just another manual; it’s a comprehensive guide that offers knowledge critical to mastering the Amazon marketplace. As online platforms continue to grow, her book serves as an essential companion to any content creator or salesperson looking to claim their space in the highly competitive world of Amazon sales, with a special emphasis on book sales, but not limited to such. With each page, Penny not only informs but also inspires, making this a must-read for aspiring and seasoned authors alike.

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