“The Question Habit” by Mandy Pallock

The Question Habit

Mandy Pallock
Shribble Publishing (2023)
ISBN: 979-8988478904
Reviewed by Lily Andrews for Reader Views (06/2024)

“A prudent question is one half of wisdom.” Francis Bacon.

“The Question Habit: Build Resilient Relationships with God and Others One Question at a Time” by Mandy Pallock is a thought-provoking Christian book. It is intended to assist the visionary Christian to see the need to ask questions in order to live a wholesome, meaningful, purposeful, and biblically sound life.

Pallock realized the value of asking questions at an early age. Despite her shy personality, her father’s persistent yet kind probing helped her become more at ease with who she was and what she stood for. Over the years, Pallock has verified that meaningful and solid relationships with God and other people depend on having an open mind, wanting to understand, and asking questions. In this book, she identifies several barriers that prevent individuals from progressing physically and spiritually, including pride, anxiety, and insecurity. She also presents a strong argument for the Christian’s right to ask God anything and everything about life.

Despite the Bible setting the standard with its staggering number of questions throughout the books, Pallock claims that many Christians do not use this game-changing approach. God has given each individual the mission to make deep connections and share love with others, but this can only be accomplished by mastering the art of asking thoughtful questions. In “The Question Habit,” the author remarkably demonstrates that true learning of the craft is possible.

One way we interact with the unknown is by asking questions. We practice being “poor in spirit” when we inquire, something that Jesus praises as good in the Sermon on the Mount. This book presents this life-changing idea; a concept that intelligent minds often apply before drawing conclusions. Its fundamental idea is that asking questions is a strength that frequently exposes hidden facts and possibilities.

In “The Question Habit: Build Resilient Relationships with God and Others, One Question at a Time” Mandy Pallock’s unrelenting dedication to inspiring others to grow in their Christian walks and witnessing great life transformations is evident. It is a must-read book in a culture where, as we continue to encounter all-around changes and improvements, our individual skill and bravery to examine purpose and consequences is more crucial than ever.

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