“Sandmann” by Glenna Jarvis

Sandmann (Hannah Monakee Mystery)

Glenna Jarvis
Self-Published (2017)
ISBN: 978-0692993842
Reviewed for Reader Views by Jen Oliver-Rigsby (5/2023)

“Sandmann” introduces readers to Hannah Monakee, a local reporter who follows true crime in her small hometown. In addition, she is the drummer in a rock cover band. She also seems to be the next victim of a mysterious murderer. Her former lover, Quint, happens to come back to town during the same period that some women have been killed. Is he now after Hannah after all these years? Are these killings somehow related to each other? Do they relate to Hannah’s brother’s death? Will Hannah figure it out before it is too late?

“Sandmann (Hannah Monakee Mystery)” by Glenna Jarvis has a lot of intensity and good insight into how the murderer thinks. The intensity goes from mild with Hannah’s interactions with her roommate and former boyfriends to fierce when Hannah is faced with the murderer’s antics. There is an additional level of heated tension with Hannah and her parents. Even though there have been numerous serial killer books, “Sandmann” uniquely looks at an opera and misguided love as the motivation of the killings. This reader enjoyed the unusual aspect and how it provided a unique insight into the murderer’s thoughts about the victims.

The small-town aspect of “Sandmann” works since the story combines the past and present as the past plays an important role here. It helps that this is the same small town that Hannah was raised in; she knows the history and she knows the residents. The small-town perspective also allows the police and Hannah, as a reporter, to show how they can work together, or not, when researching and solving mysteries, including these.

“Sandmann” is the first of the Hannah Monakee Mystery series and this reader is interested to see what Hannah gets into next. “Sandmann” is definitely good enough to stand on its own and the ending does not lead readers into another book. There are plenty of clues within this novel that lead readers to a number of possible suspects. Overall, “Sandmann” is well-written as it captures the readers’ attention pretty quickly and keeps it until the end.

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