“The Devil Particle” by Kristin A. Oakley

The Devil Particle

Kristin A. Oakley
Independently Published (2023)
ISBN: 979-8987870303
Reviewed by Leigh Kimberly Zoby for Reader Views (08/2023)

“The Devil Particle” by Kristin A. Oakley is a fast-paced dystopian thriller that follows teenager Paul Salvage as he navigates the life and death challenges required to become the chosen vessel that will harness the world’s evil and save humanity from extinction. Over twenty wars currently ravage the landscape worldwide. It is the widespread senseless acts of violence, murder, and cruelty that pushes a group of fifty well-meaning yet naive seventeen-year-olds to compete for the prestigious honor of becoming the chosen one.

Scientists have discovered the agoniston particle in human DNA responsible for evil thoughts and actions and a way to extract it. They believe one righteously pure human with a solid core of goodness can become a vessel strong enough to resist temptation, avoid manipulation, and contain the world’s evil. Yet, no one considers what effect that much evil will have on a human’s soul, sanity, or life. 

With little information on the challenges ahead or the severity of failing the tests, Paul and a handful of friends embark on a life-and-death battle to survive and escape the labyrinth of mind games and physical competitions that define the vessel trials. Quickly, the contestants discover the competition will push them to their breaking point and beyond. Their lives are on the line as they navigate harrowing situations, face their fears, or die. Their only choice is to keep moving, try and make it to the 52nd floor of the highrise test center unscathed, and survive. 

Author Kristin A. Oakley’s “The Devil Particle” is a heart-pounding adventure that immerses the reader into a world of despair and desperation. Ms. Oakley’s descriptive writing style invites the reader to build a rapport, pick their favorite contestant and be wary of others. Challenging tests pushed the teens to their limits, leaving my eyes wide open as I held my breath while heart-wrenching scenarios came to life. Morally right and wrong choices come into play with no clear answers, keeping the challenges thought-provoking. The reader will remain on their toes while Oakley sets the stage for multiple twists and turns, then a cliffhanger that leaves you in shock and anxious for the next installment in the series.

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