“The Magic In Metaphor” by Harley Sears

The Magic In Metaphor

Harley Sears
Independently published (2023)
ISBN:  979-8393868291
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (08/2023)

“The Magic In Metaphor: Empowering Children Through Healing Stories” by Harley Sears is a beautiful and thorough way for children to learn about themselves, their feelings, and how to navigate tough times: through metaphor. There are 25 stories that the author has designed to help children connect with their feelings and behaviors.

For example, the first story, “Archie’s Doggie Daycare Adventure” is about a puppy named Archie adjusting to doggie daycare for the first time. With help and support from the staff, Miss Mary, and the dogs already there, Archie learns that he isn’t alone and that it’s okay to feel this way, and things will get better. Archie makes friends and has fun, showing children that they, too, can learn to make friends and have fun. This little example can help children understand that their feelings are like Archie’s if they’re going to daycare or school for the first time, but it can help children handle the fear of new people, places, and experiences. 

Sears definitely has his finger on the pulse of what children need to grow, learn, adjust, and heal. The story characters are varied and relatable, some based on animals and nature. All of them have valuable lessons for children, like being brave in challenging times, showing empathy toward others, and having an understanding attitude. In today’s challenging times, parents, teachers, counselors, and other helping professionals need all the resources they can get, and this is the perfect one-especially for children who will love these stories most of all. The accompanying images are cute, too.

This book can go a long way in fostering positive mental health in children, and there are lessons, discussion questions, and activities like role-play, guided imagery, journaling, and art therapy at the end of the stories to help readers with specific issues. Making paper friendship chains and courage collages sounds like a fun and therapeutic thing children would enjoy. This accomplished author brings gravitas to these tales with his years of experience and expertise. As a former social worker, I believe it’s best to prevent an issue whenever possible. If there is one prevention or intervention book to have in every school, counselor’s office, or parent’s library, it should be “The Magic In Metaphor: Empowering Children Through Healing Stories” by Harley Sears.

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