“Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud” by Dr. Tom Lonsdale

Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud

Dr. Tom Lonsdale
Rivetco Pty. Ltd. (2023)
ISBN: ‎ 978-0645726503
Reviewed by Ephantus M. for Reader Views (11/2023)

“Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight” is a rigorously researched exposition by whistleblower vet and natural feeding advocate, Dr. Tom Lonsdale. In it, he exposes the well-woven web of deceptive and greedy manufacturers of pet food who have little to no regard for good animal health.

In this book, Dr. Lonsdale takes readers on a journey that he believes will illuminate the present-day undeniable junk pet food devastation and the arduous work of trying to disclose and crush it. He believes that it will be useful to know where the modern concept of “pet food” came from and how pet keepers can ultimately revert to healthier options from bygone times.

He begins by recalling a frightening observation during the span of his career: almost every consulting client he ever met had no one to share with them sound, healthy dietary advice for their pets. The reality on the ground was that numerous pet owners had been convinced by marketers and vets that the centuries-old diet of meat and bone should be replaced with big commercial brands. This set in motion a series of diseases in domesticated animals.

Dr. Lonsdale believes that it all starts with the wooing of young, ambitious vets by the junk pet food industry’s nutritional experts to recommend their brands in exchange for a tip here or there. By the time they settle into their practice, they are intoxicated with propaganda without realizing the sad reality that they are being used to generate revenue for pet food companies.

I admired the author’s courage in calling out a vice that has seen many pets experience shortened life spans and diseases such as arthritis and increased rates of cancer. To my mind, the best chapter is “Protecting Your Pets: Everyday Reality in the Consulting Room,” where the doctor explains how junk food chemicals remain in the body of a pet for days, eventually taking a toll on its immune system. The chapter also helped me understand how the industry has managed to keep true, accurate, and useful information from pet owners while simultaneously exposing them to a jumble of erroneous data for the sake of monetary gains.

“Multi-Billion-Dollar Pet Food Fraud: Hiding in Plain Sight” by Dr. Tom Lonsdale is a straightforward, easy-to-read, and practical book that ensures the reader is properly informed on what to feed their pet. I loved the author’s approach to bone meals, which is a lost concept in today’s modern world. I loved every inch of this meticulous exposition, especially for its hard-striking truth, which I’m sure when given thought, will see pets worldwide live longer and healthier lives. This book’s real value is in its delivery of peace of mind to those who are or may have already felt the sting of modern-day commercial foods. I highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to make better decisions for their cherished four-legged friends.

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