“Spirits Unveiled” by Tekoa Manning

Spirits Unveiled

Tekoa Manning
Manning the Gate Publishing LLC (2023)
ISBN: 978-1737402084
Reviewed by Diana Coyle for Reader Views (12/2023)

In “Spirits Unveiled: A Theological Unveiling of the Spiritual Realm Book 2” by Tekoa Manning, we are presented with many ideas on how paranormal-related things such as ghosts, angels, and even demonic beings can have connections and explanations to the religious teachings we were raised by during our schooling and even in our own family belief systems. Presented in thirteen chapters, each having its own themed discussion, the author presents information on such topics as: ‘Angelic Hosts;’ ‘Possession and Deliverance;’ ‘Heavenly Agents;’ ‘Sickness and Disease;’ and ‘Mental Health’ to name a few. She thoughtfully researched and presented the information to her readers to take in bite-sized readings of Scripture to help aid everyone with a greater understanding of why certain things happen to certain individuals.

I must say I am an avid lover of paranormal topics, so without a doubt, I was drawn to this book even though it wasn’t the normal paranormal book I would read. I was curious how Ms. Manning was going to present paranormal topics with Scripture explanations to various subjects. Still, once I started reading, I was drawn deeper and deeper into the book to read more of her thorough research. The way she broke down chapters per topic, and then presented an abundance of different readings to reference the topic further, was just fascinating, to say the least. I have honestly never read a book of this magnitude, nor a book presented with Scriptures related to paranormal topics. Once you start reading this book, you can’t help but be drawn into the specific Scriptures and it leaves you with much food for thought on each chapter covered.

One thing I especially enjoyed reading was the Introduction in which she retold the story of when she and her husband moved in with her father in 2015. It was a few years after her mother had passed and they decided to move in with her father. Shortly after they had settled in after their move, she was awoken by a strange spirit that hovered over her in bed. She was startled, to say the least, and baffled as to why this spirit was even present in her father’s home. She was worried about how her father and husband would receive the news, so she decided to withhold the information from both of them. Days passed and she was still just as troubled by this personal experience, so she decided to tell her husband and hoped for the best in how he would accept it.

Ironically, he too had seen this cloaked figure that was hooded hovering over the bed, but he was fearful if he told his wife he would freak her out. I don’t want to give any spoilers away what happened, but I just have to say that I enjoyed reading this firsthand account of what happened to her and her husband. I felt it was the perfect opening to start her book off.

In between certain chapter layouts, Ms. Manning even interjects personal stories that happened to her during her time as a prayer minister. I really enjoyed these retellings because they were personal accounts she experienced firsthand and they enhanced the chapter teachings to her readers. During these personal accounts, I felt I was there witnessing everything firsthand with her, which made the chapter even more fulfilling in the understanding of the Scriptures she provided for that chapter’s discussion.

Overall, I have to say that I really enjoyed reading this different approach to discussing paranormal topics and was fascinated by how she intertwined Scripture readings to fit those specific topics discussed. This isn’t your normal paranormal book, so when you go into reading it, do so with a very open mind and be willing to learn various things about how Scripture ties into paranormal occurrences. Ms. Manning has spent much time thoroughly researching this book and it clearly shows in her presentation. “Spirits Unveiled” is Book 2 of the Unmasking the Unseen Series, a four-book series. Well done! 

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