“My Journal: Motivation, Inspiration, Love, Kindness” by Robert O’Toole

My Journal: Motivation, Inspiration, Love, Kindness

Robert O’Toole
Tellwell Talent (2023)
ISBN: 978-1779411716
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (12/2023)

“My Journal: Motivation, Inspiration, Love, Kindness” by Robert O’Toole is the ideal tool to begin or continue journaling about your life or to help keep you organized and focused while you pursue your goals and dreams. There are 365 pages in this book, one for each day of the year, and each page begins with a prompt to encourage you to set and keep a task that will take you one step closer to your goal. Then you will find a prompt called Daily Record, with plenty of space to write down the things you’ve done and the tasks of kindness you’ve completed that will help make your life, and the lives of others, more meaningful.

This wonderful book is yours and yours alone. No one will have to know what you write in it except for you. You can begin your journal any day of the year, as there is a place to write on the date of your choosing. And feel free to do more than write about your tasks. You can draw, include pictures, scribble ideas, or whatever moves you.

O’Toole has created a journal that you can make your own and was designed with love in mind–love for yourself, for others, and for the world. It’s a safe space to brainstorm your ideas or record your private thoughts. This journal isn’t something limited to sports or creative writers, it can be useful and good for anyone. He offers his experience and expertise as an international figure skating coach to you. He knows what it takes to succeed, and one of my favorite points in the book is how everyone moves at their own pace, so don’t compare your progress to others. That makes so much sense and can lift a load of pressure off those who feel they must be at someone else’s level. I also like what he says on page 341:

Honour your emotions—all of them. Cry when you are sad and be angry if you must. Let them flow, but always move to laughter and joy.

There is a lot of wisdom packed into this book, and almost anyone is sure to benefit from it. If you need some inspiration in your life or would love to give a motivational tool to someone, “My Journal: Motivation, Inspiration, Love, Kindness” by Robert O’Toole is the perfect choice.

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