“Wisest Learners (Parent Edition)” by Dr. Wallace Panlilio II and Dr. Artyom Zinchenko

Wisest Learners (Parent Edition)

Dr. Wallace Panlilio II and Dr. Artyom Zinchenko
Independently Published (2024)
ISBN:  979-8857527993
Reviewed by Shawna Thompson for Reader Views (06/2024)

Every parent desires to see his/her child excel in academics. However, each child has unique learning styles and individual challenges. In “Wisest Learners (Parent Edition): Unlock the Secrets to Your Child’s Academic Success,” parents gain valuable insights into effective parental strategies, foundational principles, and learning management techniques to support their child’s educational journey. This insightful book, authored by the esteemed Doctors Wallace Panlilio II and Artyom Zinchenko, commences with the enlightening Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant, symbolizing the constraints of individual perspectives, and underscoring the continuous process of learning and understanding. The authors’ expertise and credibility are evident in their skillful crafting of this compelling resource, which guides and empowers parents, giving them the tools and knowledge to nurture their children’s academic growth.

In the context of child development, a learning tree diagram has been included to serve as a powerful symbol representing strength and longevity. The diagram is utilized to categorize discussions into three main components: the Parental Engagement Cycle (depicted as the roots), the Foundation (the trunk), and Management (the branches). This approach is strategically designed to provide a framework for parents, offering guidance to motivate their children efficiently. Furthermore, the significant contributions of Dr. Panlilio and Dr. Zinchenko are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of fostering autonomy in children. This approach encourages children to consider the consequences and trade-offs of their decisions, ultimately facilitating the development of sound judgment and decision-making skills.

At the conclusion of each chapter, you will find comprehensive action plans and detailed research recaps. These valuable tools are designed to facilitate easy access to, and clarification of the information presented in the chapter. The research recaps are especially beneficial for aiding participants in focusing on the most critical information, while the action plans are intended to assist in addressing questions, fostering discussions, and resolving any concerns that may arise throughout the reading journey.

“Wisest Learners (Parent Edition)” is a thought-provoking and comprehensive guide designed for parents of children of all ages. It emphasizes the universal challenges children encounter as they grow. It provides invaluable insights into how parents can best support them—a highly recommended read for every parent seeking to enhance their parenting skills.

I wholeheartedly endorse this book and assert that it merits inclusion in school libraries and counselors’ offices. Its wealth of knowledge renders it valuable for all individuals with children, representing an opportunity for learning and personal development.

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