“The Refusal” by Eve M. Riley

The Refusal: A Steamy Contemporary Romance

Eve M. Riley
Snugrox Publishing (2021)
ISBN: 978-1916398214
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (02/2022)

“The Refusal: A Steamy Contemporary Romance (The Techboys Series Book 1),” by Eve M. Riley, is a unique, must-read twist on a modern romance involving a woman in the tech business, and a man in the software industry. Jo the woman, and Janus the man, make for an interesting couple. He’s gorgeous, and she’s a self-described nerd, so they are mismatched at first glance. Their personalities appear to be on the opposite ends of the scale, but there is still an undeniable chemistry between them.

These unorthodox characters and upgraded plotline bring readers a completely intriguing and fun read. The idea is well-realized, and the characters are realistic, charming, and fully formed. The question is, is this couple destined for success or failure? Are they even right for each other? The first-person point of view brings you close into Jo’s world, mind, and heart; and the descriptions of settings and emotions are clear, vivid, and breezy. The dialogue is quite good as well.

As you glide through Riley’s opposites-attract novel, it doesn’t take long to realize that this is more than just the average conflict-driven story. Yes, it has conflict, both external and internal, and the author handles it effortlessly, but there is something deeper going on here, and it’s about carrying the baggage of bad past relationships and wondering if it’s worth it to let it go and try again. As you read, you will really come to like and care for Jo and her thoughts, her personality, and her ideas and choices. Janus is written in an appealing way. You know right away he’s a guy that could have anyone he wants. Jo struggles with shaking off the past and getting back on her emotional feet.

In a way, reading this book is like watching a really great romance film, with substance. The author writes with such energy and heart, the story ends way too soon, but is still satisfying. If you read one romance novel this year, make it “The Refusal: A Steamy Contemporary Romance (The Techboys Series Book 1)”, by Eve M. Riley.

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