“Why They Are Winning, and You Are Not” by Kat Sterling

Why They Are Winning, and You Are Not

Kat Sterling
Independently Published (2023)
ISBN: 979-8395397393
Reviewed by Tammy Ruggles for Reader Views (07/2023)

“Why They Are Winning, and You Are Not: The Steps to Finding Success in Life,” by Kat Sterling, is the perfect self-help book to launch and improve your strategy for success, starting today. If you’ve struggled to figure out why you work so hard and have little to show for it, or why it seems that you do everything right but still don’t see results, you need this book. It’s all about success, how you may be doing the wrong things to reach it, and how you can correct it and be a winner.

The first thing to question is what success means to you. Is it being financially well off? Is it having a solid relationship? A happy family? Does it mean reaching work-related goals? Success means you’ve achieved what you set out to achieve, you’ve accomplished what you wanted. As the author points out, many strive for but don’t quite reach success, and this may be because they lack certain characteristics that are necessary. If we’re being honest with ourselves, we must admit that we’re the main reason we succeed or don’t succeed.

Sterling asks you to be this honest with yourself. Take a look inside. The chapters of this book will show you the main components of success, and how to use them in your daily life to get what you want. You’ll read the success stories of others, as well as the author’s, and find out how they overcame challenges and moved toward success. One main idea is so logical that you may have missed it in your own life, and that is the notion of control. Not controlling others, but yourself, and your own life decisions. After all, if you aren’t in charge, who is?

I like the personal aspect of the book, and how the author uses her own life, and the anecdotes of others, to illustrate her points. If you lack confidence, this book can help you. If you’re unsure of your goals, this book can help you. It can help you learn that comparing yourself to others isn’t wise and that the only person you need to compete with is yourself. This is a freeing notion and a great lesson to learn. You can learn to recognize and embrace your strengths, and to ease up on yourself for perceived shortcomings and failures.

This book is more than self-help, it’s also a type of memoir that you can easily relate to. If you want to learn how to get out of your own way and head for success, do yourself a favor and read “Why They Are Winning, and You Are Not: The Steps to Finding Success in Life” by Kat Sterling.

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